Exhibit “Individuo Colectivo” by Doniel Espinoza

Of the persistent pursuit of himself, his love, family, friends, his land, seed, root, tree, fruit, his space and belonging, of what he likes and dislikes, of what he loves and what not so much, of his own opinion and words; his voice, the inner one, his philosophy,  revolution,  faith, his path,  the one that shapes and conforms his feet, steps, strength and fatigue, his hunger, appetite, his dream,  nightmare; endless memories that support his routine,  life,  image, which reminds him of his mirror,  reflection, what he has learned and forgotten, countless ideas of names, pronouns and adjectives, all that he saw, sees and will see, what he observes,  what he has lived, lives and will live and does not know, his delirium,  madness,  light,  shadow, his illusions; the many unfounded, his expression,    time, of his time, all the colors, noise and silence; the anatomy of his architecture, everything that happens, what comes, what goes and stays, all motives, all reasons; the influence that strikes his conscious and unconscious, however, the windows of his eyes deceive him and in that intangible singularity, it is capable of discovering his own collectivity, of his  traditions, beliefs, and ideologies, fears and values, that are found everywhere, ambiguous, concrete, true, awakening from sleep, to self-consciousness, the virtues and flaws, the fears and yearnings, all the sorrows and joys, all the hopes, mountains, lakes, oceans,  clouds, the rain and its fire, the land and its sea, the sun and its sky, all the beautiful things, all the problems, rubbish, politics , the system, its famine,  function and  circus, the fact of being and belonging to this collective singularity reminds him that everything is his own and alien, the geometry of the lights in the completeness of the firmament and that in such a short time there is no voice that can recite it, the space in his nature and the nature of his space, complex and simple, all in his bubble,   his birth, the brevity of his breath.”

Doniel Espinoza 

Visit the artist´s page in our gallery.

Mercedes Aragon

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